Day 2
Methods in Empirical Music Research A Workshop for Music Scholars
- Review and Elaborations
- Welcome; encourage mix-up seating/groups
- Day 2 Program
- Review slogans (first 16)
- Group Task #7: From theory to conjecture
- Formal observation: The taxi protocol
- The Experiment
- The Correlational Study
- Correlation and causation
- The third variable problem
- No causation without manipulation.
- Sampling
- Sampling
- Group Task #8: Sampling Approaches (Answers)
- WEIRD sampling (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic)
- Data Independence
- Avoid sticky data.
- Biased Sampling: Listening to Edith Boyd
- Group Task #9: Sampling Issues (Discussion)
- Group Task #10: What is Random?
- Homework review: Review questions and answers for Lancashire & Hirst (2009)
- Sampling - A Practical Problem [omit?]
- Sample Size: Law of Big Numbers
- Sample Size: Law of Small Numbers
- The law of large numbers does not apply to small numbers.
- Effect Size
- Regression-to-the-Mean
- Regression-to-the-Mean in Music
- Review (first 19) slogans
- Group Task #11: Are dynamics asymmetrical? Data sheet
- Behavioral Data
- Dependent and independent measures
- Types of behaviors (summary) The full text (or video) are left as homework. Types of behaviors (full) (video - 32 minutes)
- Implicit vs. explicit responses
- Reactivity
- Demand characteristics Clever Hans
- Always debrief.
- Measurement scales
- Group Task #12: What kind of measurement scale? (Answers)
- Designing questionnaires (powerpoint presentation #17)
- Group Task #13: Questionnaire Design
- Review (first 20) slogans