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Scoring Rubric for PresentationsΒΆ

Below is an example of the scoring rubric for the presentations accompanying the homework.

Dimension Sophisticated Good Work Competant Needs improvement
Presentation (35) Presents clearly and effectively; the logic of the presentation is easy to follow; very well prepared. (30-35) Nice presentation style, but rushes through the material a bit. Logic is easy to follow. (20-29) Discusses the music adequately, but could focus the discussion a bit more; rushes through the material a bit. (10-19) Description is vague, unclear that there was more than a passive engagement with the music. (0-9)
Supplemental Materials (30) Makes excellent use of audio/visual resources; provides handouts that are clear and informative. (25-30) Materials are clear, but could be improved; slides are a little difficult to read; the talk and the materials complement each other nicely. (15-24) Materials contain good info, but lack clarity; slides might be difficult to read; the talk could engage more with the materials. (5-14) No supplemental materials. (0-4)
Dialogue and Q&A session (35) Engages with the audience; asks questions that foster discussion; answers questions in a respectful and thoughtful manner. (30-35) Engages with the audience, but questions could better crafted to foster dialogue. Answers questions well. (20-29) Asks only a few questions, could engage with the audience a bit more.(10-19) Does not engage with the audience; answers to questions could be better thought-out. (0-9)