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Scoring Rubric for Model CompositionsΒΆ

Below is an example of the scoring rubric for model composition.

Dimension Sophisticated Good Work Competant Needs improvement
Melodic Writing (30) Melody is nicely written, phrasing makes sense, and it develops in an interesting and musical way. (25-30) Melody is good but there are still some minor issues in either the phrasing, or “melodic syntax.” (20-24)

Melody is good, but could be improved and incorporated more into the composition.


Melody is not very musical, it makes phrases difficult to hear, and is difficult to understand. (0-9)
Harmonic Writing (30)

Harmonic element is nicely incorporated with both the melodyand the required technique.


Harmonic progression is good, but it contains some minor issues and could be improved slightly.


Harmonic progression is OK, but could be improved. It does not create a strong push/pull to/from the cadential points.


Harmonic syntax does not follow a logical pattern. There are issues with progression, cadences, etc.


Required Techniques (40) Excellent usage of the specified theoretical device, which is used in both a meaningful and informed way. (35-40) Understands techniques, but could integrated them into the composition more elegantly. (25-34)

Demonstrates a limited understanding of the specified technique.


Does not demonstrate knowledge of technique being covered in class.
